Flight is a lifelong adventure

Flight is a lifelong adventure
Contact Information
Driggs-Reed Airport
253 Warbird Lane
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Teton Aviation (FBO)
Phone: (208) 354-3100
Airport Administrator
Phone: (208) 354-2362
Email: bcyr@driggsidaho.org
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Airport Advisory Board
To assist in managing, promoting and improving the Driggs Reed Memorial Airport for the educational and economic benefit of the community
The Airport is owned and managed by the City of Driggs (City). The FAA controls all air-based operations and rules. The City and Airport Manager is responsible for the operation, management, maintenance, and security of the Airport and all city owned and/or operated facilities, vehicles, and equipment.
The Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport Advisory Board consists of a volunteer board of 5 members. They assist the Mayor and Council in better carrying out the responsibilities of their offices concerning the management, operation, planning and development of the airport. They all have some interest in aviation, and their occupations range from retired and active commercial pilots to business men and women who are interested in the future of the City of Driggs.
Airport Advisory Board Members
The Driggs Airport Advisory Board Members and our City Staff, the FAA, and JVAviation Consultants have achieved many positive milestones in making this airport one of the 'Best in the West.' Listed below are just a few of those accomplishments:
Developed & Incorporated Mission & Vision Statements
Developed A Long Term Airport Masterplan
Updated Airport Gate Security Systems
Developed A Teton Valley Aircraft Noise Abatement Program
Updated the Snow Removal Equipment Maintenance Program
Designed & Installed Runway Use Safety Signage
Negotiated Airport Weed Control Contracts
Updated Hanger Management Agreement Contracts
Updated Thru-The-Fence Association Contract Agreements
Negotiated Teton Aviation Lease Agreements
Revised Airport Hanger Property Lease Agreements
Resolved Teton Canal Issues
Designed & Built New Water Canal Grating For Improved Canal Flow
Developed A Drone Policy For The Community & Airport
Involved With Redesigning & Resurfacing Runway-08
Involved With Sequential Runway Seal Coating & Remarking Runway
Developed Criteria For An Airport Managers Position
Researched & Purchased New FAA Funded Runway Snowblower
Researched & Purchased New FAA Funded Front End Loader
Extended Runway Object Free Safety Areas (O.F.A)
Facilitated FAA Approved N. E. Runway Land Purchases
Designed & Installed Airport Hwy.33 Pathway Pavilion Monument Sign
Resolved Ongoing Airport Water Main Leaks
Installed Water Meters To Various Airport Hangers with Water Lines
Helped With Installation Of RAF Camping Area (Pavilion, Water, Electric, Etc.)
Established requirements for hangar applicants for Flying T
Updated lease agreements for Flying T Hangars
Established new 50 Year Ground Lease Agreements
Worked with Engineers to oversee Bidding, selection of Contractor for Runway Shift Project
Coordinated Grant applications, facilitated Grant administration for Runway Shift Project
implemented Based Pilot Fuel Discount Program with the FBO
Secured Grant Funding from ITD for $1,387,127 For Runway Shift Project
Secured Grant Funding from FAA for $10,601,406 For Runway Shift Project
Established APU Fee
Purchased Air Bags
Purchased Skid Steer
Updated Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and distribution of BIL funding
Worked with Planning Director to review/ implement airport overlays
Oversaw and participated in Airport Communication Strategy Sessions
Congratulations! A lot has happened since the Airport was founded in 1949. A big thank you to all who helped in these major endeavors!

The Driggs Airport Advisory Board Members and our City Staff, the FAA, and JVAviation Consultants have achieved many positive milestones in making this airport one of the 'Best in the West.' Listed below are just a few of those accomplishments:
Developed & Incorporated Mission & Vision Statements
Developed A Long Term Airport Masterplan
Updated Airport Gate Security Systems
Developed A Teton Valley Aircraft Noise Abatement Program
Updated the Snow Removal Equipment Maintenance Program
Designed & Installed Runway Use Safety Signage
Negotiated Airport Weed Control Contracts
Updated Hanger Management Agreement Contracts
Updated Thru-The-Fence Association Contract Agreements
Negotiated Teton Aviation Lease Agreements
Revised Airport Hanger Property Lease Agreements
Resolved Teton Canal Issues
Designed & Built New Water Canal Grating For Improved Canal Flow
Developed A Drone Policy For The Community & Airport
Involved With Redesigning & Resurfacing Runway-08
Involved With Sequential Runway Seal Coating & Remarking Runway
Developed Criteria For An Airport Managers Position
Researched & Purchased New FAA Funded Runway Snowblower
Researched & Purchased New FAA Funded Front End Loader
Extended Runway Object Free Safety Areas (O.F.A)
Facilitated FAA Approved N. E. Runway Land Purchases
Designed & Installed Airport Hwy.33 Pathway Pavilion Monument Sign
Resolved Ongoing Airport Water Main Leaks
Installed Water Meters To Various Airport Hangers with Water Lines
Helped With Installation Of RAF Camping Area (Pavilion, Water, Electric, Etc.)
Established requirements for hangar applicants for Flying T
Updated lease agreements for Flying T Hangars
Established new 50 Year Ground Lease Agreements
Worked with Engineers to oversee Bidding, selection of Contractor for Runway Shift Project
Coordinated Grant applications, facilitated Grant administration for Runway Shift Project
implemented Based Pilot Fuel Discount Program with the FBO
Secured Grant Funding from ITD for $1,387,127 For Runway Shift Project
Secured Grant Funding from FAA for $10,601,406 For Runway Shift Project
Established APU Fee
Purchased Air Bags
Purchased Skid Steer
Updated Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and distribution of BIL funding
Worked with Planning Director to review/ implement airport overlays
Oversaw and participated in Airport Communication Strategy Sessions