Runway Shift Project
Runway Shift Project
Contact Information
Driggs-Reed Airport
253 Warbird Lane
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Teton Aviation (FBO)
Phone: (208) 354-3100
Airport Administrator
Phone: (208) 354-2362
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Shifting the 7300 foot runway to the NE
Runway Shift Project Update: September 26, 2024
In conjunction with JViation, a Woolpert Company, the Runway Shift Project has begun. A five-phase construction project started on September 16, 2024, and will be completed by approximately October 2025. This page will be updated with the latest information on this project.
Monday, September 16, 2024 - Sunday, October 13, 2024 (approximate end date)
Critical goal(s): Complete work in canal and prepare runway extension area.
Minimum work to be completed
- Construct diversion structure in Grand Teton Canal
- Construct Sweetgrass Road extension from 2500 N (Hastings Lane) to Sweetwater subdivision
- Final gravel layer (asphalt millings) to be placed during Phase 4 (Sept. 2025)
- Preliminary earth moving outside airport fence
Additional work that may be completed
- Construct new airport perimeter fence
Impacts to airport users
- None
Impacts to general public
- New access route to Sweetwater subdivision from 2500 N (Hastings Lane)
- Teton Vista will be permanently closed across runway extension area
- Construction traffic on 2500 N and Falcon Lane
Phase 2 | Extend Runway and Taxiway | 77 days
Monday, May 12, 2025 - Sunday, July 27, 2025 (approximate start date)
Critical goal(s): prepare runway extension as much as possible before the closure (Phase 3A)
Minimum work to be completed
- Relocate Runway 22 threshold
- Construct runway extension    Â
- Construct taxiway extension, up to top layer of gravel
Additional work items that may be completed
- Construct new airport perimeter fence
- Pave Taxiway A extension
- Electrical work behind closure barricades
- Top soil and seeding
Impacts to airport users
- Displaced threshold on Runway 22 (short duration closure)
- 5,630 feet available runway length
Impacts to general public
- Construction traffic on 2500 N and Falcon Lane
Phase 3A | Reconfigure Existing Runway | 30 days
Monday, July 28, 2025 - Tuesday, August 26, 2025: RUNWAY CLOSURE
Critical goal(s): All work within the runway safety area will be completed. Shifted runway will be open to air traffic upon completion of Phase 3A.
Minimum work to be completed
Reconfigure existing runway, including:
- Replace runway lighting systems
- Grooving (30 days after paving)
- Grooving after Phase 3A may be coordinated only if it occurs at night
- Seal coat
- Pavement markings
- Construct taxiway connector at Runway 4 end
- Remove "old runway" at Runway 4 end (935 feet)
- Shouldering runway extension with asphalt millings
- Top soil and seeding
- Waterline installation (by others)
Additional work items that may be completed
Pave Taxiway A extension
- Remove additional pavement from Runway 4 end (see Phase 4)
- Place millings on Sweetgrass Road extension (see Phase 4)
- Any uncompleted work items from any other phase
Impacts to airport users
- Closed Runway 4/22
- Closed turf runway
Impacts to general public
- Construction traffic on 2500 N, Falcon Lane, and Main St
Phase 3B | Finish Taxiway Extension | 8 days (only if not completed in 3A)
Wednesday, August 27, 2025 - Wednesday, September 3, 2025 (approximate dates)
Critical goal(s): Finish Taxiway A
Minimum work to be completed
Finish Taxiway A extension, including:
- Paving
- Shouldering
- Paint
Additional work items that may be completed
- Phase 4 work items (pavement removal and millings placement on road)
- Grooving after Phase 3A may be coordinated only if it occurs at night
Impacts to airport users
- Taxiway A closed north of Mustang Ranch
- Taxiway A extension can likely be opened with non-standard conditions when contractor is not working, such as the weekend and evenings.
- Full runway open, except that back taxiing may be required for Runway 22 departures.
- Potential for runway closures at night to accommodate grooving.
Impacts to general public
- Construction traffic on 2500 N and Falcon Lane
Phase 4 | Finish Access Road | 17 days
Thursday, September 4, 2025 - Saturday, September 20, 2025 (approximate dates)
Critical goal(s):
- Finish Sweetgrass Road extension
- Substantial completion
Minimum work to be completed
- Place asphalt millings on Sweetgrass Road extension
- Remove additional portion of "old runway" south of Runway 4
- Miscellaneous clean-up
Additional work items that may be completed
- Grooving after Phase 3A may be coordinated only if it occurs at night
- Impacts to airport users
- Potential for runway closures at night to accommodate grooving
Impacts to general public
- One-way traffic on Sweetgrass Road from 2500 N (Hastings Lane) to Sweetwater subdivision.
- Construction traffic on 2500 N, Falcon Lane, and Main St
Phase 5 | Final Paint | 3 nights
Friday, October 3, 2025 - Sunday, October 5, 2025 (approximate dates)
Critical goal(s): finish runway painting
Minimum work to be completed
- Final paint
Additional work items that may be completed
- Miscellaneous cleanup
Impacts to airport users
- Runway 4/22 closed at night
Impacts to general public
- None
Additional Runway Shift Project Information:
April 2024 Op-Ed from Mayor Christensen
January 2024 Runway Shift Letter from the Mayor
Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport Runway Shift Project Facts
Watch our two explainer videos on the runway and the Runway Shift Project to learn all the details. This project page will be updated as new information is available.
Here are some easy Facts to skim: GENERAL RUNWAY FACTS and RUNWAY SHIFT FACTS .