Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport Overview

Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport Overview
Contact Information
Driggs-Reed Airport
253 Warbird Lane
Driggs, Idaho 83422
Teton Aviation (FBO)
Phone: (208) 354-3100
Airport Administrator
Phone: (208) 354-2362
Email: bcyr@driggsidaho.org
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
From General Aviation to Economic and Community Value, KDIJ is a great way to explore the Tetons and beyond
Welcome to the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. This general aviation airport next to the beautiful Teton Mountain Range is home to aviation enthusiasts, business charter operations, a pilot training school, medical rescue operations, an avionics and mechanical repair shop, and more.
The videos and information below have been produced by the City of Driggs to further educate our city and region on what our local airport offers, how it operates, and how the community can be a part of aviation.
Please also look at the FAQ page for additional details, or contact our Airport Manager, Billy Cyr, for more information. Enjoy the gorgeous scenery from above, and may all your adventures take flight!
GENERAL AVIATION FACT SHEET For the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. Created in February 2023.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL FACT SHEET For the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. Created in March 2023.
GENERAL RUNWAY FACT SHEET For the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. Created in April 2023.
RUNWAY SHIFT PROJECT FACT SHEET For the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. Created in April 2023.
ECONOMIC IMPACT FACT SHEET For the Driggs-Reed Memorial Airport. Created in April 2023.
Learn more about the EAA's Young Eagles Event on June 24, 2023